Cynthia Marinakos
Cynthia Marinakos

Heya writer, thank you for dropping by.

I'm guessing you're interested in reading. Or writing. Or both!

Well, I'm proof that if your purpose in life is to write, you can do it and get paid for it if you want to.

You see, I haven't always been a writer. I graduated from business and IT degrees and landed in a global accounting firm... which didn't sit well with me at all. What has felt right is writing. And in the past 1.5 decades, I've been paid to write professionally and personally. Without any formal writing degree. I work a writing job and run a writing business.

More than words

Writing isn't a job or career for me: it's a lifestyle. I LOVE connecting people - and connecting with people - through purposeful, personable, powerful content. That's why since 2017, I've shared my learnings on Medium in publications focused on marketing, business, writing, user experience, and self-growth.

Creativity breeds creativity. I adore writing haiku, a gorgeous type of Japanese poetry with only 5 lines.

I also draw my own pictures as it's unique, fun to do, and I love bringing a smile to people's faces with them.

You've got this my friend

Form your own path. Learn constantly. And keep writing.

If you're keen to take your writing to places you've never imagined, make now the right time.

You deserve it. You can make it happen.

And I'd love to help you... subscribe to keep updated with my latest posts on Medium.

Have a fab day :)

Cheers, Cynthia

Feel like connecting? You'll find me on:


Cynthia Marinakos is the author of The Writing Cooperative's Market Yourself column and Better Marketing's Headline Hacks column. Her writing it also featured in UX Planet, The StartUp, Flying Solo, House of Haiku, and The Mission.

Medium member since March 2018
Connect with Cynthia Marinakos
Cynthia Marinakos

Cynthia Marinakos

Aussie Copywriter. I love rock climbing high ceilings and hiking amongst ferns.