Deepen Your Relationships: Listen Actively

What blocks us and ways to hone your skill with loved ones and colleagues

Cynthia Marinakos
6 min readJan 21, 2024


Illustration by Cynthia Marinakos.

“You’re not listening to me, mum!”.

I’m having communication issues with my daughter. She’s 11. Pre-teen. And we often have arguments. About almost everything.

It’s frustrating and annoying. I don’t feel listened to by her either.

I’ve realised a few reasons why this is happening. I focus on my own frustration. And let my assumptions and conditioning get in the way of truly listening to my daughter.

You see sometimes she doesn’t do what she says she’ll do. Like doing the dishes. Putting in her eye drops. Or cleaning her room.

Because she’s done this many times, I assume the same will happen each time afterwards.

But that blocks my mind. I unfairly blame her for things she hasn’t done — or don’t see the things she has done. It doesn’t give her a fair opportunity to follow through. We clash.

The barriers to good communication

This situation reminds me that active listening can create more meaningful relationships. But it’s so damn hard to do well.



Cynthia Marinakos

Aussie Copywriter. I love rock climbing high ceilings and hiking amongst ferns.